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Nobody's Stooge: Ted Healy

A Biography of the Stage and Screen Star Who Gave Birth to the Act That Became "The Three Stooges"

Author: Bill Cassara
Hardback: 390 pages
Publisher: Bear Manor Media (2014)
Avg. Rating: [9.00/10]
In Print? Yes

From the back cover.
"Ted Healy had a successful, if mysterious life.  Starting from the lowest rung of show business, he soon conquered the stages of vaudeville, Broadway and the silver screen.  Healy's biography also serves as the backstory to the rise of what became The Three Stooges act.  He had an eagle eye in spotting and cultivating the talents of Shemp, Moe, Larry and Curly, who served their apprenticeship in his act off and on from 1923 to 1934.  As "father" of the act, he took his stooges to Broadway and Hollywood.  Healy is the tree around which some mighty acorns fell.

Healy died at age 41, four days after his only child was born in 1937.  His passing quickly became one of the most notorious of Hollywood's celebrity death scandals.  Was it foul play or natural causes?  Author Bill Cassara, a retired law enforcement professional, explores all the possibilities."  

Includes a richly detailed biography that draws from many never before seen sources, a Filmography, photos and illustrations, Index, and a Bibliography.

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