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Released May 28, 1943
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly
17.8 min. (Short Subject)

The Stooges are merchant sailors whose ship is sunk by a Nazi sub. They sneak on board a Nazi freighter, and disguise themselves as German sailors. Before long their presence is discovered, and forced to devise a way to subdue the crew and take control of the vessel. They disguise themselves as Hitler, Goering and Gobbels to fool the ship's officers.

Behind-the-scenes, silent, color footage was discovered in early 2007, and premiered in The Stoogeum theater at the April 2007 Fan Club Meeting. An alternate camera angle of the Stooges fighting the Nazi sailors, and off-camera clips of the boys, Jules White, Bud Jamison and Vernon Dent were captured on private 16mm film. See The Three Stooges Journal #s 122 (Summer 2007) and 123 (Fall 2007) for more information.

In 1941, a very different, pre-war version of this film was scripted and then rejected by the Columbia front office as an offense to the Navy. That earlier script is reviewed in The Three Stooges Journal #s 131 (Fall 2009) - 132 (Winter 2009).

Al Thompson and Johnny Kascier in dual roles... first, they appears among the German sailors, and later as two of the German officers.
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Avg. Rating: [9.26/10]

Vernon Dent
Lt. Dungen

Kit Guard

Stanley Blystone
German Captain

Bud Jamison
German Petty Officer

Harry Semels
German sailor guard

Al Thompson
German sailor

Neal Burns
German sailor

Johnny Kascier
German sailor

Sam Lufkin
German sailor

Hubert Diltz
German sailor

George Gray
German sailor

Lew Davis
German sailor

Heinie Conklin
German sailor

Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Heavyset German sailor

Al Thompson
German officer

Johnny Kascier
German officer

Jules White

Jules White

Jack White
Story and Screenplay

Ewart Adamson
Story and Screenplay

John Stumar
Director of Photography

Edwin Bryant
Film Editor

Carl Anderson
Art Director

Lodge Cunningham
Sound Engineer

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