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1993 MTV Movie Awards - Lifetime Achievement Award

Air Date/Released Tuesday, July 13, 1993
Station/Studio MTV
Host/Star Mel Gibson
Featuring Miscellaneous Appearances

The annual music and pop culture award ceremony by cable's MTV.

The Three Stooges received The Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1993 MTV Movie Awards. The Stooges' tribute video and award were presented by Mel Gibson, who also paid tribute by whacking himself and Danny Glover in the head with a wrench. Film clips included in the video tribute to "Jerome Lester Horwitz, Louis Feinberg and Moses Horwitz" (and Shemp) were taken from THREE LITTLE PIRATES (1946), HALF-WITS HOLIDAY (1947), NO CENSUS NO FEELING (1940), A PLUMBING WE WILL GO (1940), MEN IN BLACK (1934), WE WANT OUR MUMMY (1939), RESTLESS KNIGHTS (1935), YES, WE HAVE NO BONANZA (1939), YOU NAZTY SPY! (1940), SOME MORE OF SAMOA (1941), WHO DONE IT? (1949), PHONY EXPRESS (1943), IF A BODY MEETS A BODY (1945), THREE LITTLE BEERS (1935), MOVIE MANIACS (1936), CASH AND CARRY (1937), VIOLENT IS THE WORD FOR CURLY (1938), HEALTHY, WEALTHY AND DUMB (1938), ALL THE WORLD'S A STOOGE (1941), HOLD THAT LION! (1947), PARDON MY SCOTCH (1935), FUELIN' AROUND (1949), WHAT'S THE MATADOR? (1942), SO LONG, MR. CHUMPS (1941), CRIME ON THEIR HANDS (1948), DUTIFUL BUT DUMB (1941), IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE (1941), THREE SAPPY PEOPLE (1939), TASSELS IN THE AIR (1938), OILY TO BED, OILY TO RISE (1939) and THREE LITTLE SEW AND SEWS (1938).

Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover
Archive footage: Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard

Crew: Bruce Gowers (Director), Michael Dugan (Writer), Judy McGrath, Rick Austin, Leslie Kolins Small, Russell Bates, Joel Gallen, Doug Herzog, Greg Johnson, Sherrie Kays (Producers)
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